Monday, January 19, 2009

poll explained

Just answer it. I actually saw it somewhere... I forget where... so if you had that idea first, credit to you.

Peace, love, and Santi,

Friday, January 2, 2009

link explanation

Just explaining some of the links on my blog:

Charlie Bone Forum: Great forum not only for Charlie Bone, but other things as well. Many of my good friends are there.

Chat Cats Gathering: My Warriors roleplay website

Club Penguin: Just something I do when I'm bored, it's a penguin roleplay

Dawnheart Graphics: One great Warriors graphics site run by my good friend, Other Dawny

Freewebs: Well, technically, it's webs. com. I should change that. Make a free website here

Friends Or Enemies
: A place for updates on different bands (*coughcough*myfavorites*coughcough*)

Obsidian Dawn: A place for beautifully made Photoshop brushes. I credit Stephanie for all those brushes and most of my graphics

Serenity Warriors: Another Warriors graphics site run by Summerscent. Props to her for one of my siggies.

The Guttersnipe
: Kate Cary's official site.

War Of Clans
: An elvan roleplay run by my good friend Warrage

Warriors Wiki
: The Wikipedia space for Warriors

Warriors Wish
: One of the best Warriors fansites

Warriors Wish Forum: The forum branch of Warriors Wish

Webkinz: The other thing I do when I'm bored. I don't even know how to describe it

That's it. I'm being very concise today because I'm tired and it's the last true day for winter break. *sigh* If anyone wants to affiliate with me, just ask and I'll check it out.

Peace, love, and Santi,

Thursday, January 1, 2009

hi there

Well, hi. This is me being random, as always! And on a moment of spontaneity, I decided to keep a blog. And I thought I'd share a bit about me.

My name is Dawnfire, but you can call me Dawny, Dawn, or Dawneh, and this is The Dawn Patrol. If you're confused, the dawn patrol is the morning patrol for news updates in the book series Warriors. And my name is Dawnfire. Quelle coinkidink.

Stole this from my friend Leeny.

What is your name, rank, and serial number? Dawnfire. But just call me Dawn. I am the medicine cat of ThunderClan. And cats don't have serial numbers. Sheesh.

How old are you? *rolls eyes* Did I NOT just say?

Do you ever get tired of life? Sure, doesn't everyone?

What is your favorite movie? I'd probably have to say The Dark Knight.

Are you sad at the moment? No.

Are you in pain at the moment? Yes. My fingers hurt from playing Guitar Hero.

Have you ever broken a bone? No.


Here's some more questions:

General (okay, I'll be serious):
Name: I already told you
Date of birth: Did you think I would say?
Birthplace: US
Current location: US
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Height: 5'5"
Heritage: Chinese. Rawr. Fear me.
Piercing: none! Not even my ears!
Tattoos: eww, none

Band/Singer: To name them all would take forever
Song: Ditto the above.
Movie: I already told you
TV Show: Mythbusters
Color: black
Food: changes almost daily
Pizza Topping: Pepperoni
Ice-cream Flavor: It changes a lot.
Drink: Cherry vanilla cream soda. No, I'm serious, it's real!
Store: Barnes and Noble
Clothing Brand: Hot Topic
Shoe Brand: Converse
Season: Summer
Month: June, 'cause you get out of school
Holiday: Christmas
Flower: None...
Make-up Item: Eyeliner.

This or That
Sunny or Rainy: sunny
Chocolate or Vanilla: probably chocolate
Fruit or Vegetables: fruit
Night or Day: can't choose
Sweet or Sour: sweet
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: in person.
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: tea, coffee's too bitter
hot or cold: hot

Goal for this year: to keep my grades up and to keep on dancing.
most missed memory: when CCG started
best feature: my long legs
first thought waking up: why the frick am I up?
Personality disorder: paranoia
Greatest ambition: NYC Ballet. Never gonna happen, but whatever. A girl can dream
Greatest fear: death

Do You
Smoke: no
Drink alcohol: no
curse: yes
Shower daily: yes
like thunderstorms: yes
Dance in the rain: yes
Sing: yes
Play an instrument: yep
Get along with your parents: depends on my mood
Wish on stars: no
believe in fate: yes, somewhat
believe in love at first sight: no way

Can You:
Drive: not yet
Cook: not well
speak another language: no
Touch your nose with your tongue: no
whistle: no

Meep. Later. Peace, love, and Santi,
