Friday, January 2, 2009

link explanation

Just explaining some of the links on my blog:

Charlie Bone Forum: Great forum not only for Charlie Bone, but other things as well. Many of my good friends are there.

Chat Cats Gathering: My Warriors roleplay website

Club Penguin: Just something I do when I'm bored, it's a penguin roleplay

Dawnheart Graphics: One great Warriors graphics site run by my good friend, Other Dawny

Freewebs: Well, technically, it's webs. com. I should change that. Make a free website here

Friends Or Enemies
: A place for updates on different bands (*coughcough*myfavorites*coughcough*)

Obsidian Dawn: A place for beautifully made Photoshop brushes. I credit Stephanie for all those brushes and most of my graphics

Serenity Warriors: Another Warriors graphics site run by Summerscent. Props to her for one of my siggies.

The Guttersnipe
: Kate Cary's official site.

War Of Clans
: An elvan roleplay run by my good friend Warrage

Warriors Wiki
: The Wikipedia space for Warriors

Warriors Wish
: One of the best Warriors fansites

Warriors Wish Forum: The forum branch of Warriors Wish

Webkinz: The other thing I do when I'm bored. I don't even know how to describe it

That's it. I'm being very concise today because I'm tired and it's the last true day for winter break. *sigh* If anyone wants to affiliate with me, just ask and I'll check it out.

Peace, love, and Santi,