Friday, May 8, 2009

Fanfiction Writer's Meme

I got tagged. Enjoy.


Fanfiction Writer’s Meme

1) How about a brief introduction of yourself?

‘Ello, dears! My name is Dawnfire, but you can call me Dawn, Dawny, or Dawneh. I am a dancer (so obviously I must be a slut and an airhead), a pyromaniac fire spinner, and a computer-obsessed teenager. I should probably let you know that I’ve only written one fanfiction. But I read loads of it. And I’m writing a completely fiction story based off a roleplay called Vyrus.

2) Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with?

Truthfully, I wrote my first and only fanfiction in school. It was for a short story project, but it ended up being ten pages. Then I found FF, posted it there, and bam. My fanfiction. (My other story has yet to be released, so you won’t get details... yet.)

3) I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write?

Action all the freakin’ way. Seriously, I can’t write romance. I just... I really just can’t. But I know that is the center of all fanfiction, usually, so I toy around with it a bit. For bandom, I do love to read a good AU...

4) Do you write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore?

For bandom... I am so an OTP person. It’s not even funny. Same with 24 and Charlie Bone. But with Warriors... I am such a fandom whore when it comes to characters, mainly because there are so many. With pairings... there are some that I can’t stand, but I’ll read lots.

5) What is your most popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so?

Uh, Treachery, just because it’s the only one I’ve written. xD

6) Forget other people, what is the fanfic you’ve written that you’re most proud of?

I would say, “Look at the above answer,” but really, that’s not it. I’m really loving writing Vyrus right now; even though I think it’s trash sometimes, I’m having so much fun writing it...

7) Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?

It’s insanely easy, gosh. I wish. It’s really really difficult for me. I don’t know what’s difficult, but I do know that me being a perfectionist is hard for me to deal with. I’m a good descriptive writer, but I always have trouble with the flow and overall style and reading ease.

8) Write a few sentences or so of your favorite pairing or character.

Littlecloud lay in the basin of the Moonpool, his nose touching the starlight-infused waters. His mind wasn’t on the troubles with Sol, on his new, bounding apprentice, or even in the frosty lake territory. It was back in the old forest, trembling under Firestar’s -- then Fireheart’s -- cool green gaze. It was with Cinderpelt, her normally soft mew begging with a new ferocity: “Please let me help them!” It was hearing her defend them against Fireheart himself; it was watching her determination to find a cure to the Carrionplace disease; it was hearing her comforting purr that seemed to say, "Everything will be alright." It was with the memories of her bounding up to him excitedly at the Moonstone, at the Moonpool. It was seeing the badgers. It was hearing the news. It was feeling the heartbreak.

Littlecloud could do a lot of things. He had the makings of a true medicine cat. He never gave up his faith. He never gave up without a fight. He won more battles than he lost.

But for all that he could do, he could not find her in StarClan.

“Where are you, Cinderpelt?” he mewed quietly, his eyes drifting closed, letting the starlight fill his mind. “Will I ever see you in StarClan?”


I did tell you about overdoing myself.

9) Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can’t stand or are just sick of?

I go crazy when people don’t know the rules of that series, i.e. naming characters in Warriors after things that cats wouldn’t know at all, etc.

10) Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or are there any other ones?

I’d like to say that I’m quite knowledgeable about Warriors, so not really. Unless you want to count bad flow as a pet peeve, yeah, I’m guilty of that.

11) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it?

Warriors! So long as the books are still coming, I will be elaborating on everything. And I hope to write more in the future, as well as expand into bandom, Charlie Bone, 24, etc.

12) Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them that you love to write.

xD Well, prepare for a long list.

In bandom... oh gosh, I’m an OTP whore. Ryden, Joncer, and Frerard are my mains, with a side dish of Peterick and Gabilliam. I just love the onstage chemistry of all these pairings, and I’m a sucker for canon.

In 24, I strictly ship TonyMichelle, just because it’s really sweet and the onscreen chemistry is through the frickin’ roof. And just because I’m cool like that.

Charlie Bone is TancredEmma hands down. I do take a dip into CharlieOlivia or FidoOlivia, but not often.

With Warriors... it’s kinda different... I don’t really stick to canon much. My OTP, if I had to choose just one, would be Cinderpelt x Littlecloud (Fevershipping).

13) What would you call your writing “style”?

Um. I don’t know. I have a tendency to be very vague in my writing, but I describe a lot of things within that...

14) Do you read other people’s fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?

Of course I read fanfic. It’s how I get by in life. xD. I mostly read bandom (and have stalked a bunch of people’s LJs just to make up for my lack of one) because I know where to find it (bandslashmania/slashatthedisco). I read the occasional 24 fic, and I read a lot of Warriors and CB.

15) Name one thing you’d love to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do.

Um, hm, bandom. I never seem able to write good bandom because a) I’m scared I’m gonna wreck a reputation or b) I’m not going to capture the people very well.

16) Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?

I do. I find it really hard to see criticism on something that I’ve worked so hard on... but I’m trying to get past that. And I don’t have a bloated ego (I think), it’s more like I beat myself over my writing. My friend said randomly, “Writing is like shooting yourself in the head. You never know if you want to do it or not.” And I was like, “I guess that makes sense...”

17) When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room?

A working keyboard would be nice. xD Seriously. And I can never listen to too much music when I write because it influences me way too much. If I listen to something sad, people start dying. If I listen to something angry, gory details are frequent. If I listen to something happy/dance-hall-ish, everyone starts falling in love. I like silence, although it’s hard to get around the house.

18) What inspires you?

Everything. Other people’s writing. Other people. Music. My friends. Random objects lying around the house. Scenarios. Etc.

19) Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer?

Really... well, I guess it hasn’t done much to my school writing. I’m a fiction writer at heart and my style doesn’t convey in thesis papers, etc. But it helps me practice my writing skills overall, and it's really just something I can do to leave the world, if only for a moment.

20) Tag some friends, because they’ll hate you for it.

First of all, there’s no comma after “friends” Dx. I won’t bore you with the grammar. BUT I will tag my fanfiction writing flist. :D


  1. Hiya Dawnfire :)
    thanks for replying to this meme (ur the first and, currently the only, one to reply to it) so yeah, thanks! ^^
    Okay, a couple of things:
    1) a chapter of JoM will be posted as soon as I finish this (about 3 days after actually writing it D:)
    and 2) can you tell me what an OTP is? XD
    Thanks! And I loved your answers :)
    See you on!
    P.S. sorry for the deleted comment above DX
    NY is me, so don't stress

  2. Hey Dawny, it's me, Sparkles, i've did my own on Ok, So I was Bored! The Blog so you can come check it out. Also, due to my blatant neglect, I had to lose 3 blogs. But NOT my fanfiction fridays blog, I'm still keeping it.
