Friday, June 12, 2009

Some Untitled Meme...

(I know, two posts in one night? :O)

-Post lyric snippets to ten songs (don't make them brutally obvious)
-FList, guess the song name and artist
-Once someone has guessed the song correctly, strike it through and put the person's name next to it.
-The person who just guessed the song now goes and posts ten songs on their blog.
-If you guess multiple songs, you only have to do this meme once.

I don't think I have ten regulars on my flist... so... CCGers, come try.

1) Every time we're intercepted
Feels more like suicide
Slow and sad, come in silence
Arise a bitter mind

2) I've been diggin' in the crates ever since I was livin' in space
Before the rat race, before monkeys had human traits
I mastered numerology, big bang theology
Performed lobotomies with telekinetic psychology

3) And I for one can seen no blood
From the hearts and wrists allegedly slit
And I for one won't stand for this
If this scene were a parish, you'd all be condemned
(I Constantly Thank God For Esteban, by Panic! At The Disco, courtesy of Rainbow)

4) And there's nothing in your head or pocket
Throat or wallet that could change just how this goes
And everyone shakes to the beat with a barrel down their throat

5) So this is it, so this is it
So this is the silence, so this is the silence we've began
It's never quite, it's never quite over
It's never quite over in the silence

6) Well, they all cheat at cards and the checkers are lost
My cellmate's a killer
They make me do push-ups in drag
But nobody cares if you're losing yourself
I am losing myself, and I miss my mom!
Will they give me the chair?
Lethal injection or swing from a rope if you dare?!
Ah, nobody knows all the trouble I've seen!

7) Well, look who's dying now
Slit wrists for sleeping with the girl next door
I always knew you were such a sucker for that
It doesn't matter what you say
It never mattered anyway
It never mattered anyway

8) I don't want to love you if love leaves me this cold
I don't want to love you if love is this alone

9) Smash it up, smash it up! I'm gonna kick you down
Be cool tonight, don't wanna start a fight
Smash it up, smash it up, tonight we kickin' it down
Aaaaah, one, two, three, go!

10) It never used to hurt before
It isn't funny anymore (It isn't funny anymore)
Feeling so alone now
Funny how you wish someday that you could die at the hospital

(little hint: no two songs here are by the same artist)

ETA: Just realized that you can't use strikethrough here... using red font instead.


That is the number of days of summer left.

I am officially a high schooler as of yesterday.

I'm happy. Summer is here.

Peace, love, and Santi,

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fanfiction Writer's Meme

I got tagged. Enjoy.


Fanfiction Writer’s Meme

1) How about a brief introduction of yourself?

‘Ello, dears! My name is Dawnfire, but you can call me Dawn, Dawny, or Dawneh. I am a dancer (so obviously I must be a slut and an airhead), a pyromaniac fire spinner, and a computer-obsessed teenager. I should probably let you know that I’ve only written one fanfiction. But I read loads of it. And I’m writing a completely fiction story based off a roleplay called Vyrus.

2) Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with?

Truthfully, I wrote my first and only fanfiction in school. It was for a short story project, but it ended up being ten pages. Then I found FF, posted it there, and bam. My fanfiction. (My other story has yet to be released, so you won’t get details... yet.)

3) I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write?

Action all the freakin’ way. Seriously, I can’t write romance. I just... I really just can’t. But I know that is the center of all fanfiction, usually, so I toy around with it a bit. For bandom, I do love to read a good AU...

4) Do you write the same pairings/characters? Or are you a fandom whore?

For bandom... I am so an OTP person. It’s not even funny. Same with 24 and Charlie Bone. But with Warriors... I am such a fandom whore when it comes to characters, mainly because there are so many. With pairings... there are some that I can’t stand, but I’ll read lots.

5) What is your most popular fanfic and why do you think people like it so?

Uh, Treachery, just because it’s the only one I’ve written. xD

6) Forget other people, what is the fanfic you’ve written that you’re most proud of?

I would say, “Look at the above answer,” but really, that’s not it. I’m really loving writing Vyrus right now; even though I think it’s trash sometimes, I’m having so much fun writing it...

7) Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?

It’s insanely easy, gosh. I wish. It’s really really difficult for me. I don’t know what’s difficult, but I do know that me being a perfectionist is hard for me to deal with. I’m a good descriptive writer, but I always have trouble with the flow and overall style and reading ease.

8) Write a few sentences or so of your favorite pairing or character.

Littlecloud lay in the basin of the Moonpool, his nose touching the starlight-infused waters. His mind wasn’t on the troubles with Sol, on his new, bounding apprentice, or even in the frosty lake territory. It was back in the old forest, trembling under Firestar’s -- then Fireheart’s -- cool green gaze. It was with Cinderpelt, her normally soft mew begging with a new ferocity: “Please let me help them!” It was hearing her defend them against Fireheart himself; it was watching her determination to find a cure to the Carrionplace disease; it was hearing her comforting purr that seemed to say, "Everything will be alright." It was with the memories of her bounding up to him excitedly at the Moonstone, at the Moonpool. It was seeing the badgers. It was hearing the news. It was feeling the heartbreak.

Littlecloud could do a lot of things. He had the makings of a true medicine cat. He never gave up his faith. He never gave up without a fight. He won more battles than he lost.

But for all that he could do, he could not find her in StarClan.

“Where are you, Cinderpelt?” he mewed quietly, his eyes drifting closed, letting the starlight fill his mind. “Will I ever see you in StarClan?”


I did tell you about overdoing myself.

9) Are there any fanfiction trends/clichés you can’t stand or are just sick of?

I go crazy when people don’t know the rules of that series, i.e. naming characters in Warriors after things that cats wouldn’t know at all, etc.

10) Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/clichés you now hate? Or are there any other ones?

I’d like to say that I’m quite knowledgeable about Warriors, so not really. Unless you want to count bad flow as a pet peeve, yeah, I’m guilty of that.

11) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still like/participate in it?

Warriors! So long as the books are still coming, I will be elaborating on everything. And I hope to write more in the future, as well as expand into bandom, Charlie Bone, 24, etc.

12) Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them that you love to write.

xD Well, prepare for a long list.

In bandom... oh gosh, I’m an OTP whore. Ryden, Joncer, and Frerard are my mains, with a side dish of Peterick and Gabilliam. I just love the onstage chemistry of all these pairings, and I’m a sucker for canon.

In 24, I strictly ship TonyMichelle, just because it’s really sweet and the onscreen chemistry is through the frickin’ roof. And just because I’m cool like that.

Charlie Bone is TancredEmma hands down. I do take a dip into CharlieOlivia or FidoOlivia, but not often.

With Warriors... it’s kinda different... I don’t really stick to canon much. My OTP, if I had to choose just one, would be Cinderpelt x Littlecloud (Fevershipping).

13) What would you call your writing “style”?

Um. I don’t know. I have a tendency to be very vague in my writing, but I describe a lot of things within that...

14) Do you read other people’s fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?

Of course I read fanfic. It’s how I get by in life. xD. I mostly read bandom (and have stalked a bunch of people’s LJs just to make up for my lack of one) because I know where to find it (bandslashmania/slashatthedisco). I read the occasional 24 fic, and I read a lot of Warriors and CB.

15) Name one thing you’d love to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do.

Um, hm, bandom. I never seem able to write good bandom because a) I’m scared I’m gonna wreck a reputation or b) I’m not going to capture the people very well.

16) Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?

I do. I find it really hard to see criticism on something that I’ve worked so hard on... but I’m trying to get past that. And I don’t have a bloated ego (I think), it’s more like I beat myself over my writing. My friend said randomly, “Writing is like shooting yourself in the head. You never know if you want to do it or not.” And I was like, “I guess that makes sense...”

17) When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room?

A working keyboard would be nice. xD Seriously. And I can never listen to too much music when I write because it influences me way too much. If I listen to something sad, people start dying. If I listen to something angry, gory details are frequent. If I listen to something happy/dance-hall-ish, everyone starts falling in love. I like silence, although it’s hard to get around the house.

18) What inspires you?

Everything. Other people’s writing. Other people. Music. My friends. Random objects lying around the house. Scenarios. Etc.

19) Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer?

Really... well, I guess it hasn’t done much to my school writing. I’m a fiction writer at heart and my style doesn’t convey in thesis papers, etc. But it helps me practice my writing skills overall, and it's really just something I can do to leave the world, if only for a moment.

20) Tag some friends, because they’ll hate you for it.

First of all, there’s no comma after “friends” Dx. I won’t bore you with the grammar. BUT I will tag my fanfiction writing flist. :D

From CCG: 4/25/09 (5:54 PM)

4/25/09 (5:54 PM):

I fail so hard.

Anyway, hello. I'm sorry guys, yeah, I was in Hawaii up until the 19th AND I had testing just this past week. I'm also writing a story based on a roleplay, but a few days ago, we decided that if we kept going with this one book, it'd be well over, like, 50 chapters. So we started another book. Meaning that I had to re-outline everything, which took up most of my time. Plus, we have a science project due on Monday and our history class just started our ten-page thesis papers. So I'm a bit stressed out.

But not enough to come update.

First of all, everything I saw on the Clan Members page has been updated. If you find a mistake, don't hesitate to ask me.

Secondly, SUNRISE IS OUT!!! I've read it, it's epic, etc. The thing is, I can't have people spoiling it for others. So, if you go here, this is the spoiler section. Discuss Sunrise there and only there. If I see anyone discussing what happens in the book anywhere other than said section, I will go so far as to give you a strike. Why? Because some people hate getting the surprise ruined for them. I will post a message when the spoiler rule has been lifted.

Third, please click these. They come from a place called Dragon Cave (DragCave for short). They're little dragon sprites that need clicks to survive. So please click them, get your own, etc.

Last and probably most importantly, I have made my verdict on the Tribe:

"In the above entitled actions we find the defendant... guilty."

AKA the Tribe is no more.

"WHY?!?!" Two main reasons: A) There are only four people in the tribe; only two of them roleplay, and B) Most of it is a place for spammers. And I'm getting tired of clearing chatboxes.

If anyone is vehemently against this, I may reconsider. But you'd need a pretty trying argument. Redfern, who plays Endless, and I have already discussed this at length and we seem to think that it's the best thing to do. Those in the Tribe can make new characters or relocate their characters to a clan/rogue/loner.

Peace, love, and Santi,

From CCG: 4/10/09 (9:41 PM)

4/10/09 (9:41 PM):

I gotta go fast, I can't get on tomorrow before we have to leave.

I WILL BE IN HAWAII FOR THE NEXT WEEK until the 19th. However, I may just be able to get on a little. Don't expect much AT ALL (my grandmother has terrible virus protection).


This is all I can say right now. Have fun, guys!

Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 4/7/09 (6:36 PM)

4/7/09 (6:36 PM):

Ugh, I'm spazzing out, Believers Never Die are, like, an hour away RIGHT NOW... and I can't go. Pete, I demand a video.

ANYWAY, just a few things... Raven, could you repost your profile for me? I lost it...

The books list has been updated, as well as some other information, as always, credit to Bookie of Warriors Wish.

I will make a 6,000 and one year banner as soon as Photoshop starts cooperating!

RiverClan is now closed for joining, WindClan needs cats!

Thanks for putting up with all this, guys. Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 4/7/09 (4:11 PM)

4/7/09 (4:11 PM):

I have some explaining to do. If you were here for site news, Warriors updates, or my epic fangirly flailings of "pretty boys in pretty constellations," this is not the post for you. If you wanted to hear a confession, it's here.

I'm going to start with a story. Just a story about this site.

When I set this up last year, I had one goal in mind: to make this the place that everyone could visit, no signing up, nothing. But a few months in, I was in way too deep. This site was literally my lifeline, my escape from the outside. And I like that. Up until now.

Now I can see what a bitch I was -- the bitch I am, the self-controlling, caught up, pompous prat that I am. And I am going to try and heal what I've screwed up.

Savannah Emerson: We met under the worst circumstances possible: I the noob, you the person with intents I was too blind to see. You meant no harm. I wanted to end it. And I went about it the wrong way. I went about everything the wrong way. Now that you're back, I can see what I did. And I'm sorry.

We'll never be the best of friends. But I'd like not to be enemies. If I could take back everything that happened back in July, I know for a fact that I would do it. Don't take this the wrong way, but I want to forget that we ever met, that anything ever happened. Either way, I'm not going to burden you. I'm not going to force you to change your opinion about me. But I am genuinely sorry. You can accept it or not.

Roseear: You can hate me. I can accept that. If I were you, I'd hate me, too. We were friends, I know. But you have your loyalties to your cousin. And I admire that. The harm that has come to you and your cousin over these last few months is inexcusable on my part. For everything that happened, this is not your fight. I take the burden off your back as my fault. You can hate me, whatever. All I want you to know is that I'm sorry, I overreacted to everything.

We may never be friends again. And I won't push it on you. But I want to clear the air between us and say that I'm sorry. And you may never forgive me. But it'll put me at ease to know that I tried, and maybe you listened.

Goldfeather: Do you know how much I admire you? Admire you for doing exactly what you believe is right? Do you know how much that means to me, that you try very hard to do this?

Thank you. That is all I can say.

Sunstar: This is a personal apology that I'm going to put here. I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you. I'm sorry you had to withstand all that. I still carry the little guilt seed of the fact that maybe, if I hadn't acted that way, you wouldn't have been... like this. Violent. Angry. And only 10. There are really times that I want to strangle you, but I may say that we are the same blood indeed. I love you to death, little bro.

For others that I may have hurt, I am sorry. I am sorry for letting spammers come and flood us to death. Heck, I'm sorry for ever dragging you into this. But it needed to be done.

I will kill this to the core. The problem that started it all are the people who may or may not have antagonized Savannah Emerson and her site. On a usual day, I would have defied, said I didn't have control over anyone, anything. But today is not a day for my excuses. I will ask you now to help me, help everyone and stop going there. It may just be the last push to get us back into safer waters.

At the beginning of this rant, I mentioned my depression issues. Today was no different. For a while there, I felt like dying. But the metaphorical gun is out my hands now. Today I'm standing for it. I know not everyone has to like me. And right now, what you think of me doesn't affect who I am anymore.

So, I've made my point. For everyone that I've hurt, I'm so sorry. This is my fault, and I will carry it singularly. It's your turn to accept your end of the bargain.

Mutually, humbly, and sincerely yours,


"I know the world's a broken bone. But melt your headaches, call it home."

From CCG: 3/21/09 (1:30 PM):

3/21/09 (1:30 PM):

Oh, there's a new poll up. Please vote.


Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 3/21/09 (12:55 PM)

3/21/09 (12:55 PM):

A month?

Dammit, I'm failing.

I'm sorry I haven't been on, but I've been agonizing over schoolwork for a while now (stupid Science). But I'm back. Thanks to the people who have been keeping things running smoothly.

So, weeks of not updating is causing me pain... trying to find every person that joined in the last month is very tiring. But please welcome Mousepaw and Leafkit of WindClan, Ringtail and Echokit of RiverClan, and Leaping Frog In Pond (Leap) and Bluebird Over Waterfall (Bluebird) of the Tribe.

If I missed you, this time I want you to pester me. Just stop when I ask, 'kay?

I cleared the necessary chatboxes, so thank you to those who reported them to me. Keep it up!

Also, we have an issue of utmost importance: Should we or should we not get rid of the Tribe? For one, nobody ever roleplays. And secondly, it can't contribute to the plot. It's miles and miles away from the lake cats, so they can't ever take part in the plot.

So, I've brought it down to this. Tribe cats, you have exactly one month from today to be more active. If I don't see a definite increase in activity, I am closing the Tribe and scattering your characters.

For this time, I don't want anyone else joining the Tribe; it will spare all of us clogged computers and hours of work on my part.

If anyone has an objection, I'd love to hear it. But for now, peace, love, and Santi,


Friday, February 27, 2009


Taken from the 30 Seconds to Mars website:

"Still fighting the good fight here in the City of Angels. Working nonstop in the laboratory, experimenting with any and everything. So many exciting things happening we wish we could share them with everyone all the time. Yes, there are those days filled with more questions than answers and a healthy amount of self doubt but we think this is the absolute best thing we have ever done to date. Now it's just about finishing. About commitment. About surrender. You know the drill. This part of the story isn't too different for all of us around the world. I guess it just depends how the light falls.

So, sorry to say it doesn't look like we will have a record ready to put out this year....

...just kidding. Hehaw. It'll be done momentarily and out sometime this summer. Woooohooooo! We cannot wait. So many secrets to tell about what we have been up to. Soon....

The EMI situation is still the same unfortunately. They are still intent on suing us for 30 gazillion dollars and we are still intent on fighting for what we believe in. We had hopes for some sort of resolution by now but it's not yet meant to be. We have prepared ourselves for whatever outcome may transpire and although we welcome continued conversation and compromise we remain ready for the battle for what is right and true.

Whatever happens we promise you all one thing. This new album will be out this year. No. Matter. What.

We miss the road and all of you very much.



I cannot tell you how frickin' exited I am. And that Kerrang! looks pretty nice, too (blink-182? NO WAY!).

Peace, love, and Santi,

From CCG: 2/29/09 (6:22 PM)

2/29/09 (6:22 PM):

Hai thar. Please welcome Silversky of ShadowClan and Moonlight of RiverClan! And thanks to Polarstar for being very on top of things. Also, thanks to Cherryleaf and Milkpaw of WindClan for being active(-ish). <3's to Mirukugoben for being awesome, to Ambertail and Dawnstream for following the grammar rules, and CB for being luff. Endless (lol, get it? Haha...) thanks to Redfern and Shadowflight for being active (although Redfern is gone on Lent).

I felt the need to do that.

Anyway, on a more serious topic: chatbox clearing. I have seen many people posting: "I am clearing this chatbox because of bad words," etc., etc., so on, and so forth. And it's really, really, really hella annoying. Please, please, please DON'T DO IT. It's a major hassle for me to clean that up and it's considered spam, which is a strikable offense. I have had to clear multiple chatboxes because of attempts to clear chatboxes. The only person who can seriously and truly clear a chatbox is me. In the future, notify me on the homepage, etc. and direct me to the box that needs clearing, or tell a mod, who will in turn tell me. Don't try and clear it up yourself, it only makes it harder for me and everyone else.

That's it! Peace, love, and Santi,


Saturday, February 21, 2009


2/21/09 (8:20 PM):


Oh, yes it has! This site opened on 2/21/08! And so, I would like to give my thanks and sum up one year of Chat Cats Gathering:

Total people joined: 186 (not including kits born in the story)*

Of these, 35 are ThunderClan, 32 are RiverClan, 31 are WindClan, 38 are ShadowClan, 21 are rogues, 15 are loners, 13 are Tribe cats, and one is a kittypet.

Total current people: 94 (including kits born in the story)*

Of these, 18 are ThunderClan, 18 are RiverClan, 20 are WindClan, 13 are ShadowClan, 14 are rogues, 2 are loners, and 9 are Tribe cats.

Total guestbook signatures: 170

Total profile comments: 106

Total friends: 13

Number of hits: 5464

Longest joined members: Raptorclaw, Rosethorn, and Leafdapple

* Approximately.

You know, it was really fun going through all the comments. It was like, "Ah, the good old WindClan activity. Look, a Tribe cat!" And hell, was I a little, self-obsessed n00blet back then. I think I should apologize about that.

I have to thank my friends Riverstar, Sunstar, Sorrelstream, Shadowclaw, Graytail, and Leaf. Thanks for being very supportive and helping out a whole freaking ton.

Next to the mods: Riverstar, Sunstar, Brightshadow, and Polarstar for helping me and being awesome.

Also, to my family for letting me spend way too much time on the computer.

Last, but most definitely not least, to all of the Chat Cats for being on here and being great support for me. You guys rock my world.

So, I would have something from Photoshop for you, but I haven't had any tim, as I got back this afternoon. One tomorrow, maybe?

Again, I love you all, and you are just... too awesome for words. Congratulations to us!

Peace, love, and Santi,


Friday, February 20, 2009

From CCG: 2/20/09 (10:04 PM)

2/20/09 (10:04 PM):

Very important news for you guys: We have a new mod! She goes by Polarstar (Aurora) and roleplays Blackpaw, Bluepaw, Whitestrike, and Tigerstar. Her modship was earned after purging the Tribe (just thought I'd let you guys know what happened). We are very welcome to have her on board with us!

I'm going to start using my blog as archives for these updates, starting from the furthest update to the bottom (starting 10/18/08), so you can check them if needed. Sorry about the f-list spam for my followers, but it needed to be done. >.>

I updated the Clan Members page as best as I could. So I'm getting ready for tomorrow! Don't know what's tomorrow? Check the dates. Peace, love, and Santi,


((Yup, sorry about the f-list spam. Sorry, sorry, sorry.))

From CCG: 2/16/09 (10:00 PM)

2/16/09 (10:00 PM):

I HAVE DELETED THE FOLLOWING CATS: Moonshadow of ThunderClan; Moonstream, Morningfire, Dawnwish, and Emberfoot of RiverClan; Laurelpelt and Woodstream of WindClan; Starwish, Lionpaw, and Shadowedmist of ShadowClan; and Flower, a loner.

All the deleted cats may try again. High positions are being filled ASAP.

Sorry to be short, but my mom's getting pissed. Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 2/16/09 (8:45 PM)

2/16/09 (8:45 PM):

Hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day, I had a party, so I didn't post... but there, I said it. Happy late V-Day!

So, we have a lot of people to officially welcome, starting with Sun Ray In The Morning (Ray) of the Tribe and Jawpelt of ShadowClan. Amberspirit, Bluefur, and Leap are still pending on some changes.

New order of business: Goldpaw of RiverClan has been promoted to medicine cat as Goldfeather, and Leafdapple of RiverClan has been in turn demoted. I'm sorry, Leafdapple, but I think you'll understand.

Anyway... expect pretty frequent updates from me this week (I hope). Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 2/8/09 (9:03 PM)

2/8/09 (9:03 PM):

Please welcome Ambertail of RiverClan, a friend of mine from Charlie Bone Forum.

That's it! Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 2/8/09 (6:38 PM)

2/8/09 (6:38 PM):

Ugh, I'm really sorry, guys, a combo of Freewebs and finals kept me from updating...

Hey, at least I've been around.

So, please welcome Snowmint of ShadowClan and Goldenflame of RiverClan. Whitestrike has also put some characters up for adoption, that'll be up soon, hopefully.

Nothing much else to report... so StarClan be with you! Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 1/16/09 (5:37 PM)

1/16/09 (5:37 PM):

Guh. I still can't get over the fixed!counter!!!!! *smiles*

Well, congratulations to Bluekit and Blackkit of ThunderClan, who are now Bluepaw and Blackpaw! No one has joined this week, so keep spreading the world. I have seen a couple people advertising, so thank you.

Won't be on much this week, midterms are next week o.e so I have to study. But thank you for staying active! A Cat Sweep may take place in February.

Until next time, peace, love, and Santi,


1/11/09 (1:29 PM)

1/11/09 (1:29 PM):

I have one thing and one thing only to say:

THE COUNTER HAS BEEN FIXED!! Thanks to Redpaw for telling me what to do (make a new counter)! It now displays the proper amount of hits on this front page!

Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 1/9/09 (4:44 PM)

1/9/09 (4:44 PM):

Well, I've started school again, so I can't be on much, since finals are in two weeks. But something very important: our very good friend Polarstar is back, this time as Whitestrike of ThunderClan. We wish her the very best with her illness and hope she continues with us!

There's really not much to update. Freewebs hasn't responded, so I'll email them again.

Until later, peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 5,000 HITS!!

1/3/08 (8:34 PM):

Yo there! Um, just something very small...

5000finale.jpg 5,000 Hits! picture by chatcatsgathering

((If you can't see it right, here's the link:

Yes, you read it right! In only 11 months, we have reached 5,000 hits! Thank you guys SO much for everything!

Successful Moonpool meeting, although WindClan was not represented. Some things worth mentioning are:

-Dappledleaf of ThunderClan is now Dappledstar, the leader of ThunderClan

-Redpaw of ShadowClan is now Redfern, the medicine cat of ShadowClan

Congratulations to those two and us! Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 1/1/09 (6:33 PM)

1/1/09 (6:33 PM):

Very quick things: Please welcome Starrystream of ShadowClan. The affiliates page has also been updated.

Remember, the Moonpool meeting is tomorrow at 9:00 site time. Medicine cats and their apprentices should be there, as well as any other necessary cats.

That's it for today! Peace, love, and Santi,



1/1/09 (12:00 AM):

HAPPY 2009!!!!!!!! Best wishes for the new year!!

Just a few quick things because my mom is getting ticked off... Redpaw and I have worked out a time for the Moonpool: Around 9:00 AM site time, noon Eastern time on FRIDAY, January SECOND. If anyone has any qualms with that, don't hesitate to inform me. Medicine cats and their apprentices should be there, along with leaders if necessary. Goldpaw's profile has been sorted out.

Once again, Happy New Year and best wishes! As Sisky Business once said, "Happy f*ckin' New Year!"

Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 12/30/08 (10:02 AM)

12/30/08 (10:02 AM):

This is a very quick update, since I have to leave in, like, a minute. Please welcome Emberfoot and Dawnwish (RiverClan). Goldblizzard of RiverClan is now Goldpaw, the medicine cat apprentice.

Very quick, but important announcement: Redpaw and I have worked out a time for the Moonpool: Around 9:00 AM site time, noon Eastern time on FRIDAY, January SECOND. If anyone has any qualms with that, don't hesitate to inform me.

Happy holidays, all, more in-depth update later. Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 12/24/08 (3:10 PM)

12/24/08 (3:10 PM):

Hello again! Please welcome Goldblizzard (RiverClan) to our ranks. I officially added Raptorpelt (it feels weird to call you that) and Firestorm. I'm working on digging up Leafdapple's profile from the archives.

Tigerstar and Sasha #2: Escape from the Forest is out! Just in time for Christmas, too. Oh, and apparently, I've been getting this all wrong. The series name of arc four apparently is Omen of the Stars and the book title is The Fourth Apprentice. My source may have been confused, so I'll get this approved ASAP.

Happy Hanukkah for those of you, and Merry Christmas Eve for others. Aw, heck, happy holidays. In case I don't post tomorrow, Merry Christmas!

Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 12/22/08 (6:04 PM)

12/22/08 (6:04 PM):

Just one more thing: Tigerstar and Sasha #2: Escape from the Forest comes out tomorrow!

Peace, love, and Santi,

~~Dawny (for the last time today, I hope!)~~

From CCG: 12/22/08 (5:48 PM)

12/22/08 (5:48 PM):

Just a little update: The Fourth Apprentice #1, will be titled Omen of the Stars, and Bluestar's special edition will come out in August of 2009. Sketches for the Ravenpaw manga are now here. Just thought I'd let you guys know! Also, Raptorclaw is taking over duties as Tigerstar.

Peace, love, and Santi,


From CCG: 12/22/08 (2:05 PM)

12/22/08 (2:05 PM):

Hi there! Sorry, I've been busy with testing for a while. Please welcome Dawnstream (RiverClan), Laurelpelt, and Cherryleaf (WindClan) to the site! Also, welcome our returning members Raptorclaw (ThunderClan), Firestorm, and Leafdapple (RiverClan)! Also, Sorrelstream and Polarstar have asked to be deleted. We bid you farewell with StarClan's blessing ;).

I've updated the roleplay rules some more as well as a definition of the strike system. Thank you, Sheree and Cat of Charlie Bone Forum. Also, Freewebs has not emailed me back about the counter, so I will send them another one.

If anyone spots anything that needs to be changed, please tell me and I will fix as needed.

Until next time, peace, love, and Santi!


From CCG: 11/27/08 (3:30 PM)

11/27/08 (3:30 PM):

Minor things:

-Covers for Powers of Three #6: Sunrise and Tigerstar & Sasha #2: Escape from the Forest added to front page

-Upcoming releases list moved to front page

-The Warriors Books page updated with pictures and blurbs

-Clan Members page updated

More later!


From CCG: 11/27/08

11/27/08 (2:36 PM):

Happy turkey day!! Hope it's a good one!

Now onto serious stuff. Cat Sweep. It was a two month one, yet about half our members are being deleted. So... without further ado, the deleted are as follows. Of ThunderClan: Topazshimmer, Hawkpelt, Forestwish, Redmoon, Lily, Heathertail, Badgerclaw, Silverheart, Snowfeather, Swampfur, Runningfrost, Runningclaw, Blueflower, Thunderfeather, and Bubblekit. Of RiverClan: Firestrom, Thistlefur, Leafdapple, and Hailfang. Of WindClan: Redstar, Batwing, Darkwhisker, Fernstar, and Softheart. Of ShadowClan: Flamekit and Stormcloud. Of the rogues: Stream, Clarisse, Wheat, Grass, Lightfur, Bladeclaw, Dinopelt, Snaketail, Rose, River, and Konata. Of the loners: Flamestone and Dusty. Of The Tribe of Rushing Water: Sun and Silver.

*breathes* If any cat comes back to find their character deleted, they may make a new one. And a change to the rules: When your character is deleted, it may be used as a plot device. Otherwise, all these cats are now "dead."

More bad news: the counter. As many of you know, Freewebs is now known as When they redesigned, our counter was cleared of all the hits we have relished so much. Gone. I will try and contact Freewebs support to offer their help. If anyone wants to know what the real hit count is, add 4,500 to the number on the counter. I rounded it off to the number of hits we had before.

Last thing: LONG SHADOWS IS OUT!!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the fifth installment in the TeaPot (The Powers of Three... get it?) arc is here! I can't wait to get my copy!

That's it for now. Spread the word about this site, as we have lost about half our members. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, my fellow American members (if you aren't, I still love you)!


From CCG: 11/16/08




*breathe* Okay, now. That pretty much sums it up. Sorry 'bout that! Thanks to Polarstar and Brightshadow for keeping me on top of things. One new member: Mistykit of ShadowClan.

I guess you kinda got an unofficial extension of the Cat Sweep. Deleting will take place today.

I'll be back to update later, since I'm kind of in a rush!


From CCG: 10/31/08

10/31/08 (7:15 AM):

It's early, but I had to pop in and say HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Enjoy the day's template!!!

Gotta post on the Cat Sweep by tonight, although I will be lenient. More later!


((Rawr. This is going to take forever. Longer than I thought.))

From CCG: 10/25/08


Well, at least I've been around.

So, let's give a warm welcome to Shadowedmist and Deadclaw of ShadowClan; and Thistlefur of RiverClan.


I fixed up the Our Friends page - hope it works this time!

One more thing: Please wish Polarstar (Blackkit and Bluekit) a very happy belated birthday! She's been a long-running member of my site, and I'd like to take the time to acknowledge it. I'd also like to point out the birthdays of two of my friends: Maddy and Abby, now 13 and 14. You don't know them, but I'd like to say "Happy Birthday!"

Have fun, read the rules, and stay active!


From CCG: 10/18/08

Yeah, that's right. This site will now also be used for the Chat Cats Gathering update archives, since I don't have any more room for it on the main site. So prepare: I will now spam the f-list to death, as each one needs a separate post. Beware.


Hi again! Please welcome Coalmine of WindClan. One other cat needs to change her name or clan.

Cat sweep's doing okay. You gotta post there before Halloween to avoid being deleted! The following cat has been deleted for sake of the plot: Raptorstar.

I know, I know, you're my oldest member. But you haven't been on in 2 months. I never wanted to delete you since you were the most active member. But I have to do my duty. If you want to rejoin, you can under a new name, since you were leader.

Fernstar of WindClan has also been moved from her position as deputy.

There's not much else to report - I just wanted to tell you that I'm still here! Advertise more guys and spread the word!


Monday, January 19, 2009

poll explained

Just answer it. I actually saw it somewhere... I forget where... so if you had that idea first, credit to you.

Peace, love, and Santi,

Friday, January 2, 2009

link explanation

Just explaining some of the links on my blog:

Charlie Bone Forum: Great forum not only for Charlie Bone, but other things as well. Many of my good friends are there.

Chat Cats Gathering: My Warriors roleplay website

Club Penguin: Just something I do when I'm bored, it's a penguin roleplay

Dawnheart Graphics: One great Warriors graphics site run by my good friend, Other Dawny

Freewebs: Well, technically, it's webs. com. I should change that. Make a free website here

Friends Or Enemies
: A place for updates on different bands (*coughcough*myfavorites*coughcough*)

Obsidian Dawn: A place for beautifully made Photoshop brushes. I credit Stephanie for all those brushes and most of my graphics

Serenity Warriors: Another Warriors graphics site run by Summerscent. Props to her for one of my siggies.

The Guttersnipe
: Kate Cary's official site.

War Of Clans
: An elvan roleplay run by my good friend Warrage

Warriors Wiki
: The Wikipedia space for Warriors

Warriors Wish
: One of the best Warriors fansites

Warriors Wish Forum: The forum branch of Warriors Wish

Webkinz: The other thing I do when I'm bored. I don't even know how to describe it

That's it. I'm being very concise today because I'm tired and it's the last true day for winter break. *sigh* If anyone wants to affiliate with me, just ask and I'll check it out.

Peace, love, and Santi,

Thursday, January 1, 2009

hi there

Well, hi. This is me being random, as always! And on a moment of spontaneity, I decided to keep a blog. And I thought I'd share a bit about me.

My name is Dawnfire, but you can call me Dawny, Dawn, or Dawneh, and this is The Dawn Patrol. If you're confused, the dawn patrol is the morning patrol for news updates in the book series Warriors. And my name is Dawnfire. Quelle coinkidink.

Stole this from my friend Leeny.

What is your name, rank, and serial number? Dawnfire. But just call me Dawn. I am the medicine cat of ThunderClan. And cats don't have serial numbers. Sheesh.

How old are you? *rolls eyes* Did I NOT just say?

Do you ever get tired of life? Sure, doesn't everyone?

What is your favorite movie? I'd probably have to say The Dark Knight.

Are you sad at the moment? No.

Are you in pain at the moment? Yes. My fingers hurt from playing Guitar Hero.

Have you ever broken a bone? No.


Here's some more questions:

General (okay, I'll be serious):
Name: I already told you
Date of birth: Did you think I would say?
Birthplace: US
Current location: US
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Height: 5'5"
Heritage: Chinese. Rawr. Fear me.
Piercing: none! Not even my ears!
Tattoos: eww, none

Band/Singer: To name them all would take forever
Song: Ditto the above.
Movie: I already told you
TV Show: Mythbusters
Color: black
Food: changes almost daily
Pizza Topping: Pepperoni
Ice-cream Flavor: It changes a lot.
Drink: Cherry vanilla cream soda. No, I'm serious, it's real!
Store: Barnes and Noble
Clothing Brand: Hot Topic
Shoe Brand: Converse
Season: Summer
Month: June, 'cause you get out of school
Holiday: Christmas
Flower: None...
Make-up Item: Eyeliner.

This or That
Sunny or Rainy: sunny
Chocolate or Vanilla: probably chocolate
Fruit or Vegetables: fruit
Night or Day: can't choose
Sweet or Sour: sweet
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: in person.
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: tea, coffee's too bitter
hot or cold: hot

Goal for this year: to keep my grades up and to keep on dancing.
most missed memory: when CCG started
best feature: my long legs
first thought waking up: why the frick am I up?
Personality disorder: paranoia
Greatest ambition: NYC Ballet. Never gonna happen, but whatever. A girl can dream
Greatest fear: death

Do You
Smoke: no
Drink alcohol: no
curse: yes
Shower daily: yes
like thunderstorms: yes
Dance in the rain: yes
Sing: yes
Play an instrument: yep
Get along with your parents: depends on my mood
Wish on stars: no
believe in fate: yes, somewhat
believe in love at first sight: no way

Can You:
Drive: not yet
Cook: not well
speak another language: no
Touch your nose with your tongue: no
whistle: no

Meep. Later. Peace, love, and Santi,
